这对每个学生都很重要, faculty and staff member to use common sense in order to maintain their personal safety. The tips below will help you avoid becoming a victim of crime.


  • 注意你周围的环境.
  • Walk in open, well-lit areas and take notice of who is around you.
  • 避免进行分散注意力的活动, 比如听音乐, while walking as it prevents you from sensing the presence of a potential predator.
  • 如果你一定要喝, think before you drink.
  • Individuals who are impaired by intoxication make an easy target for attackers.
  • When you are under the influence of alcohol, 避免独自步行回家, as it can be nearly as dangerous as driving. Call a cab, a sober friend, or take the bus to a safe place.


  • Lock your doors – even if you are going next door for less than a minute. Nearly all residential burglaries on campus occur when the victim’s door is unlocked.
  • Avoid theft by roommates or other individuals invited to your room by placing valuable items in a small personal safe.


  • Purchase a security device that locks the steering wheel or brake pedal. These are often more effective than alarms.
  • Do not leave valuables visible in your car.
  • Nearly every vehicle break-in on campus involves the theft of items left in plain view.
  • Remove items such as car stereos and radar detectors from view when leaving your car.


  • Shred credit card receipts and credit card offers, and keep tabs of your wallet or purse at all times.
  • Thieves only need to find one piece of mail or driver’s license to steal your identity and cause irreparable harm.
  • Monitor your bank and credit card statements to make sure unauthorized transactions are not being charged to your account.


  • Keep your office and filing cabinets locked when unattended.
  • Communicate with coworkers to ensure the last person out of the office always locks the door.
  • Simply closing the door—but leaving it unlocked—does not protect against crime.
  • Make sure to password-protect your computer and place it in sleep mode when leaving your desk to prevent compromising confidential university information.
  • Put some identification information on personal items brought to work.
  • Individuals working late should lock the door to their office after the majority of people have left.
  • When leaving the office after dark, use the campus escort service to safely walk you to your vehicle.
  • If you need a police escort call 601-877-3000 or 3000 if on campus phone system.
  • Never leave your items unattended – even if it is just for a second. Laptop computers and book bags or cell phones left unattended in classrooms top the list of multi-media equipment stolen on campus.
  • Statistics have shown that 75% of all work-related homicides are committed by an unknown assailant committing a robbery or other crime.
  • Call the ASU police emergency number: 601-877-3000 or 3000 if on campus system phone if you are in danger or see suspicious activity.
  • Keep your workplace well-lit and make sure to have easy access to a telephone at all times.


  • Avoid giving out your home phone number to strangers, as online services enable individuals to find your home address from this number.
  • On first dates, consider meeting your date at a public location rather than an individual’s home. Get to know someone before you show them where you live. Declare your sexual limits (intentions) early on when involved with a new acquaintance; prior to drinking, 吸毒, 或者陷入性情境.
  • 如果你一定要喝, 负责任地饮酒 不要让你的饮料无人看管.
  • Drugs and alcohol make it difficult to impossible to stay in control of a situation. 相信你的直觉. If you sense something is wrong, remove yourself from the situation. 安全总比后悔好.
  • 要有街头智慧. 在安全、熟悉的地方旅行. Wear comfortable shoes that allow you to move quickly. Don’t carry too many things at once – it can block your view and make you appear defenseless.
  • 在户外运动时, go with a friend and avoid listening to music so loud that you can’t hear things around you. Vary your routine to prevent criminals from knowing exactly where they can find you.
  • Drive with your doors locked and windows rolled up.
  • Always make sure you have enough gas to get where you are going, and keep your car in good working order.
  • If you break down, turn on your flashers, call the police and stay in your car. 如果有人主动提供帮助, speak to them through a cracked window and wait for the police.
  • 不要冒险.
  • 如果被一辆没标记的车拦下, signal to the officer that you intend to comply, 然后去找个保险箱, 在公众地方停车. Lock your doors and speak to the officer through a cracked window until he shows you a valid ID card complete with a photograph.